Snape and Filch

Name: Severus Snape and Argus Filch
Medium: Painter and Photoshop

I like to challenge myself, and this years Smutmas assignment certainly did that. I drew it for ntamara, as it seemed to be her prefered pairing. It was a lot of work, but ultimately turned out nicely.


He's young. A man freshly burst from childhood and ready to leave his mark on the world. When he has his legs spread, cool morning sunshine bleaching his skin, it can be difficult to remember just how young.

Argus often forgets.

Severus is unusual for a Slytherin. He has a strangely mulish streak that many people would call 'loyalty.' Argus would never dare.

It makes Argus inexplicably fond of him.

Mornings come just before dawn for them. Though Severus isn't willing to rouse himself entirely, he always parts his legs obligingly when Argus touches him.

Theirs is a subtle romance.